Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chocolate Nutella Coconut Cupcakes

I was having some friends over for tea-turn-dinner today.  Earlier this week, while thinking about what to cook, I remembered RC's Chocolate Coconut Cupcakes.  Yes, the sound of chocolate and coconut does sound tasty and different from our usual topping, doesn't it?  I used my favourite chocolate cake recipe by Hershey's.  I learned that there is indeed a difference between using a cupcake recipe and a cake recipe: cupcake recipe usually makes drier texture, while a cake recipe makes moister cupcakes.

And as for the topping, I couldn't resist the thought of spreading Nutella with the dried shredded coconuts (also helped by the fact that I didn't have to do any topping myself, of course) ;)

Make them tiny and make the cute!  Good I tell ya :)


  1. Thanks for the shout out Kayla.. Nice photos, as usual.. rasa nak gigit2 those CC..

    Anyway, I still haven't had time to post that murtabak lapis recipe.. Will do it soon, hi hi and return your shout out probably.. :)

  2. Thanks to you RC for the inspiration :)

    Laila, try make some coz the combination of chocolate and coconut is really good!
